How I See

We’re collecting topics for our survivor support group at the hospital – questions and concepts to provoke thought and discussion. The most recent centered on a more long-term perspective, mainly one’s biggest loss and one’s biggest gain. I can’t share anyone else’s answer but I can express my own.

Biggest Loss: My face

I understand that we are more than the outer. Probably better than most. But out in public, I get more frowns than smiles. Or careful avoidance. All of which can be mitigated by good social skills, a lesson picked up over the years. But life with scars has never been easy. I’ve adjusted… but I’m not home.

Biggest Gain: How I see the world

The superfluous takes a far second. The petty a very distant third. My faith, my relationships, my contribution… these matter most. And they are worth living for.

If you have a thought-provoking question, please comment and let me add it to the collection…

One thought on “How I See”

  1. Sometimes its hard for me as a mom. But for my child that goes through this it upsets me. A child at the store stares and the parent hushes them and tells them not to be rude, but in a sense you are now putting them even further on the outcast because now the child doesnt even understands and thinks something is really wrong with you. I would love to see the parents educate there kids more and maybe have them either ask or say something nice. That is my thoughts. Hugs mona

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