My Story

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In 1982 I was a go-getter college freshman, bent on finding my place in the world. A car accident derailed my plans and changed the course of my life. Gasoline burns consumed a portion of my body, but the greatest toll was losing my face. The loss of identity took years to reconstruct – physically, emotionally and psychologically.

The doctors at St. Mary’s Burn Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin gave me a five percent chance to live. Beating the odds meant some grueling surgeries and the hard work of recovery.  I can recount God’s mercy a thousand times over. Thirty plus years later I hope to live large and make the borrowed time I have been given count for something bigger than my own reality.

My scars are a part of me but they do not define me. Life is precious and to be shared…

11 thoughts on “My Story”

  1. Mona, I think you are beautiful inside and out. I love your heart. And I love your huge heart for Paul. I can not ever thank you enough for what you’ve done to help him. I see you as a lady of strength, who likes all her ducks in a row. No flakeyness ( not sure this is a word) or wishy washy about you. And I really like this in a person. Hugs to you my sister in Christ.

    1. Thanks for the sweet words, Lisa. I can echo them back to you! So glad we have had the chance to meet and connect… xo

  2. Mona, I don’t remember a lot of details of college, but I do remember you and our friendship! We had a lot of fun together and many laughs; I saw beyond the scars and saw your heart. You had a sweet heart and a heart for the Lord. I always was amazed (which still stays with me today and has helped me through hard times) that although you questioned God and struggled with the “whys”, you never turned from Him during your struggle. You believed He knew what was best and that He had a plan for you, including going through that hard time. I admired you in so many ways! May He continue to show you His goodness and use your for His glory!!!

  3. Hello,

    I am happy and gratetful to reach you online. I must sincerely appreciate you for your love towards humanity as Aftercare Support Coordinator at Legacy Emanuel Oregon Burn Center and Burn Survivors across the world.

  4. Thank you for sharing your story with me. You are a gift in my life in so many ways. Thank you for being a good friend to me.

  5. Dear Mona –
    You are a hero. What a wondrous and hard won victory to be able to share your heart and life with so many others. Your story in “Sage was the perfect shadow” was powerful to read. I was impressed with how much you could say with a few strung together words: “the skid, the sliding, the impact, the gas pouring out on me.” You had me. Every time I put the book down, like to go do sleep, I had to pick it up again. It was more persistent than an adventure novel. “Read some more,” it called. And so, I did. Meeting the people. My favorite scene was when Pasha took Vadim and his friends to see a river for the first time. That idea of someone kept within walls never allowed to see beauty hurt. But Vadim, hearing God’s voice, walking the miracle to learn to read staring at a Bible, thrilled my heart. And that scene at the river was so awe-inspiring, with your powerful poetic sentence: “They sat, transfixed, eyes huge, tears pooling and then overflowing.” My sister — you are beautiful with a rare beauty of spirit and heart and shining countenance.

  6. Hi Mona – I am a graduate of Marion High School a few years behind you (1986). I recently read your book Sage was the Perfect Shadow. Thank you for sharing your amazing story and please know that I think of you often and wish you all good things.

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