The Wall

SONY DSCCatastrophic injury requires catastrophic understanding.

People with severe burns can run into a wall, not exactly a wall of misunderstanding from others, but one of assumptions and at times, puzzlement. The world wants survivors to get better fast, but to us that often feels like no one is acknowledging the horror.

We put on a brave front. We power through. We do whatever it takes to get out of bed each morning.

But there are days when it gets the better of us. There is that grief that recycles. There is that pain that exhausts. There is frustration that life will always be different.

We don’t ask that you ignore bad behavior or not attempt to intervene. We only ask that you have enough compassion to look below the surface and see those still festering wounds in our psyche.

Sometimes by our actions we poorly shout our pain to the world. We are still trying to find our voice. Don’t let these whispers be lost on the breeze of indifference…

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