
I met Dave Roever in the fall of 1983,  almost a year after my accident. The darkness had been closing in on me: wearing the mask, waiting for the next surgery, my life stuck in limbo, my identity shredded, scar tissue growing and twisting. I felt so lost, so alone, so not understood…

When I heard a Vietnam veteran  who had been badly burned was coming to my area to speak, I knew I had to meet him. He made me laugh. He made me cry. I identified with every word he uttered and took in his message of God’s love, forgiveness and healing. It was a turning point. A glimmer of hope seeped in that has never been squelched.

I’ve seen Dave only a handful of times in the past 30 years but I’ve kept track of his comings and goings, his ministry to encourage our soldiers and share far and wide his powerful testimony. Seeing him usually triggers a tidal wave of tears, the grief instantaneously rising in the presence of someone who understands fully the pain of a lost identity – living with scars – battling for perspective.

Meeting up with him this weekend was different. I didn’t feel that old pain rising, just a wave of joy, and a need to tell him how much he impacted my life at the darkest point in my recovery. We shared books, a hug and a couple of words.

But far more important, that sacred knowing.

4 thoughts on “Waves”

  1. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing friend. What a gift from God friends are….God’s timing is impeccable! Mona your ministry to others is also very far reaching. Your tenacity, grace and love for people shines through and Christ is seen brightly in you. Thank you for sharing. and thank you for being my friend!

    1. Thanks Dawn – friends truly are gifts and I thank God for you as well! Hope you are healing from all of your surgeries and life is getting back to “normal” – which for you guys is pretty intense – so appreciate your heart! xoxo

  2. I thank God for this man who encouraged you at just the right time.
    Seeing Him makes ME cry to think of the Mona I would have never known, possibly,
    had he not ventured out as God called him to do. It also makes me think of the
    MANY people that you, my dearest sister, have encouraged in the same way.
    I can’t wait to see you this weekend.

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